International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences

ISSN: 2455-7749 . Open Access

The Dynamics of Contact Interaction during the Cutting Process

The Dynamics of Contact Interaction during the Cutting Process

Dmitriy V. Vasilkov
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH», St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia.

Alexander V. Nikitin
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 195220, Russia.

Igor Y. Tarikov
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH», St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia.

DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2019.4.5-096

Received on December 23, 2018
Accepted on June 07, 2019


At parts manufacturing using metal-cutting machine tools, the process conditions eliminating high vibration levels are among the most important factors ensuring safe operation of the said metal-cutting machine tools. To solve the task, specific features typical for creation of the dynamic model of mechanical processing in the space of condition variables at contact interaction in the cutting zone based on the piecewise linear approximation were discussed. The contact interaction process was considered as the double-phase one envisaging sequence of retention at adhesion and sliding at adhesion bonds rupture. The cutting tool’ and the workpiece’ contact interactions are presented in the form of rheological models. Conditions of retention and sliding phases sequence are formed by the system itself that is the self-excited one. The set of research performed allowed considering contact interaction of the machined surface with the rear surface of the tool and the of the moving chip with the anterior surface of the tool with the anterior surface of the tool as factors largely defining the conditions of self-sustained oscillations. The contact interaction’ double-phase nature ensures self-organised dosing and selectiveness of the dynamic contours at interaction in the autonomous dynamic process system.

Keywords- Process system, Cutting process dynamic model, Rheological equations, Sliding, retention, Piecewise linear approximation.


Vasilkov, D. V., Nikitin, A. V., & Tarikov, I. Y. (2019). The Dynamics of Contact Interaction during the Cutting Process. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 4(5), 1218-1227. https://dx.doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2019.4.5-096.