International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences

ISSN: 2455-7749 . Open Access

Technological Machines Operation by Identification Method

Technological Machines Operation by Identification Method

Mukhtar Kerimov
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Irina Belinskaia
State and Municipal Management Department, The Leningrad State University after named A.S. Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Konstantin Evdokimov
Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics & Law, Belgorod, Russia.

Vyacheslav Samorukov
Agrobusiness and Management Academy, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Yury Klochkov
Academic Development Department Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2022.7.3.025

Received on December 22, 2021
Accepted on February 12, 2022


In order to effectively organize the process of agricultural enterprises, it is reasonable to involve management tools to build optimal models of interaction of individual components of the production process. The most significant part concerning the technical and economic efficiency is the technological process. However, the harvesting and postharvesting process is of the highest priority. The current stage of the management paradigm development includes the attraction of mathematical modeling in the organizational process. The construction of mathematical models is necessary at the stage of planning, organization, control, and is aimed at choosing such parameters of the technological process that will ensure the highest economic efficiency. At the same time, the validation process of the optimal parameters of machines and equipment that separate the grain receiving is of the most importance. While solving this problem, it is necessary to consider various efficiency criteria, the main of which are “loss volumes” and “reduced costs”. The criteria for the efficiency of the technical equipment of postharvesting grain process are the permissible values of agrotechnical requirements that consider the time of safe storage of freshly harvested grain mass without pretreatment and grain shatter losses due to its overripe. It is necessary to consider the maximum allowable volumes of losses during the postharvesting technological process. In order to define the best organizational solutions the iteration principle is used until a solution that meets the restrictions on the reduced costs level is found. The mathematical modeling in technological processes is carried out with the involvement of regression models that allow predicting the qualitative indicators of the operation of the pre-cleaning machine. As a result, it is possible to choose such a mode of equipment operation that ensures the production of grain that meets the regulatory requirements for the quality of the resulting product. The novelty of this study lies in the development of optimal ways for combine harvesters functioning. The article presents the methodology and procedure of optimizing the technological process during the postharvesting process of grain. The characteristics received as a result of experiments allow us to organize the technological process in an agricultural enterprise in the most optimal way so that it is economically and technically efficient.

Keywords- Grain postharvesting treatment,Technological process, Identification, Mathematical model, Efficiency, process modeling, Service reliability, Reduced costs, Process optimization


Kerimov, M., Belinskaia, I., Evdokimov, K., Samorukov, V., & Klochkov, Y. (2022). Technological Machines Operation by Identification Method. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 7(3), 364-379. https://doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2022.7.3.025.